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- To: Common-lisp@SU-AI.ARPA
- Subject: Archives
- From: Dick Gabriel <RPG@SU-AI.ARPA>
- Date: Sun, 30 Sep 1984 17:27:00 -0000
The archives of Common Lisp mail is located on the directory [COM,LSP]
at SAIL. SAIL is a nickname for SU-AI.
COMMON.MSG[COM,LSP] ;July 28, 1983 - present
COMMON.3[COM,LSP] ;May 17, 1983 - July 28, 1983
COMMON.2[COM,LSP] ;Oct 2, 1982 - May 17, 1983
COMMON.1[COM,LSP] ;Dec 30, 1981 - Oct 1, 1982
SUBGRP.CL[COM,LSP] ;index to Common Lisp subgroup mailing lists
CLOBOR.MSG[COM,LSP] ;Object Oriented subgroup archives
CLWIND.MSG[COM,LSP] ;Window subgroup archives
CLITER.MSG[COM,LSP] ;Iteration subgroup archives
CLGRAP.MSG[COM,LSP] ;Graphics subgroup archives
CLFOFU.MSG[COM,LSP] ;Foreign Function Call subgroup archives
CLSUBS.MSG[COM,LSP] ;Subsets subgroup archives
CLVALI.MSG[COM,LSP] ;Validation subgroup archives
CLCHRT.MSG[COM,LSP] ;Charter subgroup archives
CLERHA.MSG[COM,LSP] ;Error Handling subgroup archives
CLMULT.MSG[COM,LSP] ;Multiprocessing subgroup archives
You can FTP these files away without logging in. Also you can type page
ranges with the monitor command: TYPE COMMON.MSG[COM,LSP](23:34).
Page 1 of each file is a directory of the rest of the file.
To search or otherwise read these files, you can use our editor, called E.
Perhaps you can use the SAIL display service to do this. Say HELP DISPLAY
and HELP E to find out about these possibilities. Also, SAIL supports the
SUPDUP protocol, and you can use E much as we do at SAIL in this mode.
SAIL TELNET supports DataMedia display service. Say HELP TELNET to find out
about these possibilties.