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- To: Don Cohen <donc@vaxa.isi.edu>
- Subject: backquote
- From: Christopher Garrigues <7thSon@SPAR.SLB.COM>
- Date: Thu, 10 Nov 88 16:01 PST
- Cc: common-lisp@sail.stanford.edu, 7thSon@SPAR.SLB.COM
- In-reply-to: <8811101955.AA11298@vaxa.isi.edu>
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 88 11:55:40 PST
From: Don Cohen <donc@vaxa.isi.edu>
(defmacro protected-+ (x y)
`(let ((x ,x) (y ,y)) (and (numberp x) (numberp y) (+ x y))))
I prefer this definition:
(defmacro protected-+ (x y &environment env)
(once-only (x y &environment env)
`(and (numberp ,x) (numberp ,y) (+ ,x ,y))))
Using this definition, I then defined the macro for defining protected
forms like this.
(defmacro define-protected (function &rest args)
(let ((name (make-protected-name function))
(let-list (build-let-list args))
(function-call (build-function-call function args)))
`(defmacro ,name
,(mapcar #'cadr args)
(once-only (,@let-list &environment env)
`(and ,,@args ,,function-call)))))
Basically, I simply nested commas within one another. When writing the
outer backquote form, I think of the inner backquote form as if it were
in it's expanded form. Doing this, all you have to do is to make sure
that you're out of a quoted form before you put your other comma in.
this might require typing something like ",'". The only tricky thing is
that I can never remember if I want ",,@" or ",@," and I seem to pick
the wrong one every time.
- References:
- backquote
- From: Don Cohen <donc@vaxa.isi.edu>