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Re: constant folding/smashing

    Date: Thu, 9 Jun 88 14:59:16 PDT
    From: Jon L White <edsel!jonl@labrea.stanford.edu>
    re: My point is that in the form
	the quoted object is no more or less "constant" than in the form
	   (SETF (FIRST (QUOTE (A B C))) 1)
	So why does QUOTE make the components of the list (1 2 3)
	unmodifiable but not the components of X?
    Because the semantic model of symbols doesn't consider them to have 
    modifiable components; they are "atomic".  In fact, several implementations 
    I'm familiar do a "spaghetti-stack" lookup for the SYMBOL-VALUE function  -- 
    not a structure-component fetch.  And there have been serious suggestions for
    flushing the symbol-plist notion in favor of hashtables, or at least
    encouraging one to use hashtable entries rather than plist entries.
 From what I read in CLtL, the semantic model of symbols DOES consider
them to have modifiable components:
 "Symbols have a component called the PROPERTY LIST..." pg. 24
 "A Lisp symbol is a data object that has three user-visible
  components [Print-name, Plist, and Package]" pg. 163

    In short, I think you have confused the structure of names [in this case,
    CL symbols] with their use.

I think you are confusing YOUR semantics of CL (which may be
widespread (Moon seems to share your view of SYMBOLs as being
componentles)s) with the semantics actually described in CLtL.  I
personally find the concept of "atomic" (as opposed to composite) a
useless one in CL.  I think CLtL agrees; it has virtually eliminated
the notion of "atomic".  Look at the definition of ATOM on pg. 73 ("is
not a CONS"); it says nothing about the notion of atominicity.  How
sensible is it to view an array as "atomic"?

And this brings up the second example of the confusion in constant
folding that no one has yet addressed: Why are lists and strings
(among others) constant folded, but not general vectors, since all of
them are composite objects?  I know the answer in CLtL (two non-EQ
general vectors are not EQUAL (this is the same reason SYMBOLs aren't
folded)); what I want to know is how much sense does this distinction
make?  For example, according to my understanding of the
constant-folding rule:

[1] (EQ (QUOTE #1=(gensym)) (QUOTE #1#)) => must be T 
[2] (EQ (QUOTE #1=#(1 2 3)) (QUOTE #1#)) => must be T
[3] (EQ (QUOTE #1=(1 2 3))  (QUOTE #1#)) => T or NIL, wow!!!!!

How much sense does the difference in behavior between [2] and [3] make?

    Now, on the general issue of program "constants".  PDP10 MacLisp would 
    "uniquify" constants into a read-only are at load time; other lisps do 
    similar things.  I believe this is the intent of the few mumbling words 
    in CLtL about "constants".  More importantly, this capability of 
    implementation is so important, and the hacks involved in permitting 
    runtime modification of constants are so un-useful, that CL should probably
    confront the issue square on.  ["un-useful", because the programmer's 
    intent is never more clear when using this hack than when using a more 
    approved way, such as a global parameter explicitly constructed up by 
    techniques like backquote or cons etc.]

If this "capability of implementation" is so important, why are so few
implementations taking advantage of it?  I couldn't get Symbolics CL
(which I thought WOULD do it), Vax CL, or KCL to put a "constant" into
read-only space.  What implementations DO put constants in RO space?

	(defvar *constants-hashtable* (make-hash-table :test 'EQUAL))
	(defun quote fexpr (x) 
	  (let ((form (car x)))
	    (or (gethash *constants-hashtable* form)
		(setf (gethash *constants-hashtable* form)
		      (purcopy form)))))
    should be thought of as minimal definition.

As KMP pointed out, you are collapsing two behaviors into one special
form.  A bad idea in this case.  I will have more to say on this in my
reply to him.

    [Of course, the hashtable wouldn't really be an 
    EQUAL table, as defined by CLtL, but something more akin to EQUALP.  I 
    have seen the term COALESCABLEP used used.  It's probably not important
    just how much "collapsing" goes on.]

I hope CLtL would clean-up EQUAL to mean "collapsable" rather than
subject the poor Lisp novice to yet another slightly-different
equality predicate.
-- Nick