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- Subject: Re: REMF and REMPROP
- From: Barry Margolin <Margolin@BCO-MULTICS.ARPA>
- Date: Thu, 5 Feb 87 22:31 MST
- Cc: common-lisp@SU-AI.ARPA
- In-reply-to: Message of 5 Feb 87 17:36 MST from "coffee at AEROSPACE.AERO.ORG"
- Sender: Barry Margolin <Margolin@HIS-PHOENIX-MULTICS.ARPA>
Date: 5 February 1987 17:36 mst
From: coffee at AEROSPACE.AERO.ORG
Subject: Re: REMF and REMPROP
From Steele, p.165: "Note that there is no way to distinguish an absent
property from one whose value is <default>." The <default> argument is
optional and defaults in turn to nil, so get on an absent property is
normally identical in value to get on a property with explicit value nil.
Winston & Horn, p.97, shows (setf (get <sym> <prop>) nil) as equivalent
to remprop "as far as get is concerned...although it is better programming
practice to use remprop."
Cheers, Pc^2
Since the caller of GET can specify the default value, it would not be
valid for REMPROP to set it to NIL. Consider the difference between
(REMPROP 'foo :bar)
(GET 'foo :bar 'my-default) => my-default
(SETF (GET 'foo :bar) NIL)
(GET 'foo :bar 'my-default) => NIL
So, while the caller of GET cannot distinguish a missing value from the
default value, GET must be able to detect that a property is missing.
By the way, here is a function that reliably provides the two-value
interface I described:
(defun my-get (symbol indicator &aux (default (ncons nil)))
(let ((value (get symbol indicator default)))
(if (eq value default)
(values nil nil)
(values value t))))