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subst-if-not and nsubst-if-not, programming folk-lore
- To: David C. Plummer <DCP@QUABBIN.SCRC.Symbolics.COM>
- Subject: subst-if-not and nsubst-if-not, programming folk-lore
- From: Brad Miller <miller@UR-ACORN.ARPA>
- Date: Sun, 6 Jul 86 14:48 EDT
- Cc: Common-Lisp@SU-AI.ARPA
- Fcc: ACORN:>miller>mail>mailout.file
- In-reply-to: <860629194244.5.DCP@FIREBIRD.SCRC.Symbolics.COM>
Date: Sun, 29 Jun 86 19:42 EDT
From: David C. Plummer <DCP@QUABBIN.SCRC.Symbolics.COM>
These are really neat functions, and counterintuitive to boot. One of
our documentation people tried this:
Now, when one tries subst-if-not, one gets a small surprise
until one thinks about it a bit:
(let* ((item-list '(numbers (1.0 2 5/3) symbols (foo bar)))
(new (subst-if-not '3.1415 #'numberp item-list)))
(values new item-list))
=> 3.1415
and nsubst-if-not gives the same thing
, i.e., the list is NOT destructed. A careful reading explains why: the
item-list is indeed not a number, and therefore it gets substituted (but
you can't substitute the entire list, so you don't modify it).
What the person probably wanted is to replace the non-null atomic
leafs. I'm not sure what to think. One thing I'm thinking is that
(n)subst-if-not is too counter-intuitive to be worth having in the
language, even for completeness. At the very list, I think the
book/manual should carefully discuss this issue to people don't get
confused for years.
Good point. To point out the obvious: perhaps [n]subst-if-not should not
try to match subtrees? (which would include nil cdrs).....
That would still give a useful function on leaves.... Your example would
have been evaluated to:
(3.1415 (1.0 2 5/3) 3.1415 (3.1415 3.1415))
which is a bit more intuitive, I think, though not precisely an inverse
to subst-if, which as you suggested, can be quite non-intuitive (and
perhaps unnecessary)....
Brad Miller