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Recursive printing.
- To: "common-lisp" <common-lisp@su-ai.ARPA>
- Subject: Recursive printing.
- From: "BACH::GREEK" <greek%bach.decnet@hudson.dec.com>
- Date: 0 0 00:00:00 EST
- Reply-to: "BACH::GREEK" <greek%bach.decnet@hudson.dec.com>
Dan Hoey has certainly hit upon some of the problems with recursive
printing. And he has suggested, as we have, that depth abbreviation
could be handled automatically.
The right way to decide if a print is recursive is not by using
heuristics (like switching streams or entering break loops), but by
explicitly specifying it with recursive-p. The heuristics will only be
a hack. However, it certainly isn't clear how to add recursive-p to all
the appropriate functions.
Perhaps we can agree that depth abbreviation is to be done
automatically, but let's not specify how to do it.