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Y.A.R.I.M.: Macros inside DECLARE?

    Date: 10 May 85  0017 PDT
    From: Jon White <JLW@SU-AI.ARPA>

    In-reply-to: your message of 8-May-85 11:53 EDT

    As far as I'm concerned, your attempt to unify source-level transformations
    under the existing DEFMACRO is the best thing to come out of all this 
    discussion.  No more DEFMUMBLEs where DEFMUMBLE is 
    I feel that this is more important than the issues of whether macros may 
    produce declares, or whether declare macroexpands its innards.

    The comment above is also a vote against "lambda macros" -- they provide
    absolutely no functionality beyond that capable by ordinary macros, and
    give only marginally better error checking.

    -- JonL --

Do I read you right, that what you are suggesting is that
I say (defmacro adbmal (x) `(lambda . (cdr ,x)))
and I could then say
      (funcall foo #'(adbmal (y) (+ y 3))
? That's clearly right.