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- To: "Daniel L. Weinreb" <DLW@SCRC-QUABBIN.ARPA>
- Subject: Rationalize
- From: Skef Wholey <Wholey@CMU-CS-C.ARPA>
- Date: Mon, 27 Aug 1984 14:36:00 -0000
- Cc: Common-Lisp@SU-AI.ARPA
Sorry for broadcasting incorrect information about Gosper's place of employment
-- the comment and the code below were written long ago. I found the comment
while looking for the code and thought it amusing. So this isn't Info-Cobol.
I believe the only piece of non-portability in it is the assumption that there
are only two types of floats.
(defun rationalize (x)
(typecase x
(rational x)
(short-float (rationalize-float x short-float-epsilon))
(long-float (rationalize-float x long-float-epsilon))
(otherwise (error "~A is not a non-complex number" x))))
(defun rationalize-float (x eps)
(cond ((minusp x) (- (rationalize (- x))))
((zerop x) 0)
(t (let ((y ())
(a ()))
(do ((xx x (setq y (/ 1.0s0
(- xx (float a x)))))
(num (setq a (truncate x))
(+ (* (setq a (truncate y)) num) onum))
(den 1 (+ (* a den) oden))
(onum 1 num)
(oden 0 den))
((and (not (zerop den))
(not (> (abs (/ (- x (/ (float num x)
(float den x)))
(/ num den)))))))
- Follow-Ups:
- Rationalize
- From: "David A. Moon" <Moon@SCRC-STONY-BROOK.ARPA>
- Rationalize
- From: "Daniel L. Weinreb" <DLW@SCRC-QUABBIN.ARPA>